Fountain of Hope for Girls and Women
Pain of the Woman
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The pain of Congolese/Zairean woman

women fleing the war

war is not good

Women celebrating
Fountain of Hope for Girls and Women


Despite the progress that the world is liveliness to surpass itself in matter of rights of woman, the woman Congolese(single or married) continue be victim of the no tolérence from the opposed sex. Some be its capacities morals, intellectuals, religious and potential. The Twelve types of violence done to girl and Congolese woman, have been répretoriées by investigations taken in Democratic Republic of the Congo by the experts of  human rights , with the financial support of the l'UNICEF. Published under the theme "Women, peace and right and right to the succession" these investigations quote the blows and injuries, violenece, the insulting matters, the forced abortion, prostitution and the no-payment of dowry. These cases are inventoried as violence because the legislation, notably the penal Code and the Code family, while instituting them as such, establishes at the same time, their socially unfair and discriminatory character, carrying thus attained to the person and to the rights of the woman.

These cases are inventoried as violence because the legislation, notably the penal Code and the Code family, while instituting them as such, establishes at the same time, their socially unfair and discriminatory character, carrying thus attained to the person and to the rights of the woman. The refusal to pay to the married woman worker the social advantages, the sexual harcèlement, the imposition of marital authorization as previous to all hiring and the unfavorable customary practices to the woman, constitute also violence to the look of the convention on the elimination of all the forms discrimination with regard to the woman, do to notice the authors investigate. According to classification establishes by the investigation, seven violence done to the woman the more observed courament are, by order importance, * The insulting matters (even in public) -53%

·        prostitution -40% *

·        The blows and injuries -39%

   unpaid dowry -32%

·        The traditional  practices (polygamy) -27%

·        * The forced Abortions -23%

·         * marital AUTHORIZATION -20%

·         * The reluctance  or the refuse to pay the school expenses to the girls -60%


·         The no-accesses to the social advantages for the married women workers is quoted by only 8,1% of the persons questioned by the investigators. This low rate explains according to the investigation, by the generally weak number of the employed women in the salaried sector. Here the statistics for the whole of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (without to count the part occupied). The examination of the position in the provinces indicate that to Lubumbashi, province of the Katanga, there where we are based, the violence the more current remains, The blows and injuries -75%

      The  insulting matters-69%

·         Prostitution -47%

·        The rate of the illiteracy for girl and woman 71%

To Matadi (bas Congo), the no-payment of dowry arrive in head of forms violence with 56% while that to Mbandaka (Equator) this is the prostitution that beats his full with 67%


This is the consequence of poverty
A malnurished girl!
Which mother ca accept to see her daughter with this health





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